シフォンケーキ 釧路 マルシェ山花(ヤマハナ)

Chiffon cake Marche Yamahana
2017.07.19 グルメ



Marche Yamahana near the Kushiro city zoo is also a market-like shop that sells fresh vegetables, local ingredients and handmade goods. This chiffon cake is stylish inside the café space and it is nothing special. The texture is fine, and it is Purupu. Simple taste without additives with plenty of eggs. I have never eaten such a soft fluffy chiffon cake. Chiffon cakes of various tastes, such as cocoa, pumpkin, sesame seeds, and animal patterns, are always on sale in addition to regular plain which also matches cream, syrup and cream cheese. Soft cream of our own farm squeezed fresh milk is also delicious!



■店名 マルシェ山花(ヤマハナ)

■アクセス 釧路空港より車で 10 分、釧路駅より阿寒バスで 50 分「山花」下車、車で 25

■住所 北海道釧路市山花14141-2

■電話 0154-56-2755

■営業時間 4月~10月 9:3017:30 定休なし

11月~3月 10:00~16:00 木曜定休

■HP https://www.jinsei-farm.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B7%E3%82%A7%E5%B1%B1%E8%8A%B1