炉端焼き 岸壁炉ばた(ガンペキロバタ)

Food cooked on a grill Ganpeki Robata
2017.09.11 グルメ



If you want to enjoy Kushiro 's night, come here. In the warmer months from May to October, it is a shop that you can enjoy Kushiro specialty Robatayaki fun while watching the Lighted up Nusamai bridge, glittering Kushiro River water surface. The inside of the tent is always overflowing with the hearth edge and people's enthusiasm, and fresh seafood that is landing at that day is complete. It is a style to buy tickets and eat what you want to eat, so you can adjust the rates yourself.



■店名 岸壁炉ばた (ガンペキロバタ)

■アクセス 釧路駅より徒歩20分、車で5分

■住所 北海道釧路市錦町2-4


■電話 0154-23-0600

■営業時間 17:00~21:00 (5月・6月・10月)

17:00~22:00 (7月~9月)

■定休日 なし(営業期間5月~10月)

■HP http://www.moo946.com/robata/