Kushiro is a delicious fish, but there are delicious shops of yakiniku. There are plenty of yakiniku menu with a focus on Genghis Khan cuisine which seems to be Hokkaido, Yakiniku restaurant" Pit in "originating from dairy farming popular Tsurui village. Reasonable at home, beef tangerue and tangerue, lunch menu is also popular. If you grill and eat the fresh raw lamb here, the concept of mutton meat may change. The dessert after the grilled meat is perfect with the Tsurui village original "Tancho Soft" with a balanced taste, richness and sweetness!
ピットイン 新橋店
Pit in Shinbashi
■アクセス 釧路駅よりくしろバス(36番)で15分「新橋大通り6丁目」下車、車で10分
■住所 北海道釧路市新橋大通6-1-15 リーフタウン2F
■電話 0154-21-6441
■営業時間 ランチ/11:00~15:00 ディナー/17:00~22:00 ※現在ディナーのみ
■定休日 毎週水曜・第2火曜
■HP https://pitin946.jp/